mandag den 11. september 2017

My name is Stinne Rettig, i’m 22 years old, I work as a hairdresser student in Hot’n tot, Skive.
I also live in Skive with my Boyfriend, Mikkel. Before I started in the hair salon, I worked in a shoe store, where I am trained sales assistant, but the challenges were too small for me. I was thinking about what to do in my future for a while. I missed being challenged creatively, I have not always dreamed of becoming a hairdresser, but the thought has hit me sometimes. I was very lucky, I was looking for a student place and got the job, and I love it! Ups and downs, I love it all and I love to learn, I love the responsibility and I think it's fun.. mostly..

Here is my blog about my work, my passion, skinless honestly.

1 kommentar:

  1. Nice to meet you Stinne.. you have som good throughs about your education
